Thursday 30 October 2014

Views about Conflicts

Everyone has to deal with difficult people, whether they are argumentative, abusive, stubborn, or combative. The question is, how can you assert your own rights without creating an unnecessary incident?

In most cases, angry people are screaming to be heard. They want to be valued, loved, and listened to. They want to feel important but aren’t able to express themselves constructively. With the right attitude, it’s possible to get past these insecurities and reach an understanding.

"I want story about my experience when there is a conflict between me and my roommate since diploma at week of final. This is due to the problems of asignment in a teamwork. There is a began when we each other did not cooperate very well. Almost 1 week our relationship was cold and did not speak to each other. After about a week I started to take action for rectify the problems of our relationship by sending her  a message to settle the conflict between us. Then my roommate said that she did not intend for not cooperate with me in the teamwork. She just follow our others friend. Then she apologized for her mistake. I also apologized for my mistake too which is emotional with her. Then we finished the problem between us only by using text messaging".

#That is my style to solve my problems with my roommates by asking a problem between us..........

*NOTE : When we are in a situation of conflict with roommates, we must solve the problem quickly because we may feel like something is missing like uncomfortable and the true meaning of friendships. 

These 5 strategies will help you setting disputes quickly and peacefully for the benefit of everyone involved:

1. Remain calm. Be still and say nothing. Let the storm run its course. Often times the angry person wants to provoke you. Arguing is ineffective because it raises barriers. Consider how I handled the barber situation.

2. Let the other person do the talking. He or she will soon grow tired of it. Sometimes that’s all they want. To be heard. To feel important. Everyone wants to feel important. Some people just express it in ways that are counterproductive.

3. Genuinely consider the other person’s point of view. Imagine yourself in his shoes. Never say “you’re wrong.” In fact, try hard to look for areas of agreement and build on them.

4. There’s power in the words “Yes, yes, I see exactly what you’re saying. You mean…….” This shows the other person you hear him/her. That’s all they usually want — to be validated. By agreeing with them, you gradually break down the other person’s anger.

5. If the situation turns verbally abusive, put a stop to it. Firmly but calmly state: “You’re very angry right now and you’re saying things you don’t mean (give them the benefit of the doubt). I’m going to excuse myself. We can talk again after you calm down.” Then leave the room or ask them to leave.

....thats all from me that i can shared about my conflicts case...


Saturday 25 October 2014

Advertisement review
Today's review I want story about one of my favourite product and commercial at television which is "Maggi"
      I LOVE eating "maggi" very much whether gravy or fried.  Malaysians are certainly recognize songs even advertisement already be known :
           "Mee Maggi Senang Dimasak Sedap                                     Dimakan"
This advertisement show their product which is 2-minute noodles with different flavour such as curry, tomyam, original soup, chicken flavour and etc. Then they realize their product is very high demand, so they manufacture other products such as so juicy, liquid seasoning, asian souces, bouillon, coconut milk, season up and etc.

Maggi is an international brand of instant soups, stocks, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasonings and instant noodles. Owned by Nestlé since 1947, the original company was founded in Switzerland in 1872 by Julius Maggi.

The brand is known for Maggi noodles, Maggi cube, and Maggi-Wurze (seasoning sauce).
In India and Malaysia, Maggi instant noodles are very popular; Nestle have 39% of the market in Malaysia, where "Maggi" is synonymous with instant noodles and a 60% share in India where it was the first instant noodle brand. In Malaysia, fried noodles made from maggi noodles are called "Maggi goreng".

Advertised as 2 minute noodles since 1982. Maggi noodles recently introduced a new variety of its noodles like 'No MSG', 'Less Salt', and 'No Trans fat' to cater to the health conscious. In mid-2008, New Zealand supermarkets introduced replacement formulations for its beef, oriental, and curry flavours. A new feature is an extra sachet containing dehydrated vegetables. Maggi claims the new range contains 88% less total fat and 86% less saturated fat than the average of top-three (unnamed) 2-minute-noodle competitors. The new Maggi range also has considerably lower fat than its own previous formulation. However, the salt content has been increased by 31 percent.
For my opinion, The color they choose are very nice which is yellow and red. Maggi tagline with unique promotion was very good. All society very love maggi noodles  especially chineese. Besides that, maggi instant noodles is very easy to cook and just only take 2 minutes to prepare it. That why many people love it. Their advertisement also be able to attract all society to get it.

That all that my review for today... (:


Sunday 19 October 2014

Pcychological about "SELFIE"

Assalamualaikum.. hye everyone :) Today i would like to share about fact of pcychological about selfie.

    When selfies first started happening, most of the world was pretty much on the same page about them and that page being “selfies trend” As we have become more and more comfortable with them, we realize they can be appropriate under certain circumstances. Here’s when:

1. It’s a semi-ironic selfie for the purpose of humor.
2. You’re sending a snapchat, preferably one in which you look ugly.
3. Someone else is in the photo with you.
4. You’re sending a 911 text to a friend to approve an outfit for you.

   People constantly post their “outfit of the day” mirror selfies and closeups of their face with the caption “sunrise” or worse, “pretty.” It’s a pain, but there’s not much we can do about it. Someone out on the Interwebz, however, hates selfies so much that he posted a fake article claiming the American Psychiatric Association declared excessive selfie taking, selfitis, a mental disorder. Here there three types of selfitis :

Borderline selfitis : taking photos of one’s self at least three times a day but not posting them on social media

Acute selfitis: taking photos of one’s self at least three times a day and posting each of the photos on social media

Chronic selfitis: Uncontrollable urge to take photos of one’s self round the clock and posting the photos on social media more than six times a day

That all that i can share about trend of nowdays :) Have a nice day guys ! MUCH LOVE ! <3 <3 <3


Thursday 16 October 2014

Intergrity and Ethics

Assalamualaikum.. hye everyone ! I'll back :). Today, i would like to share some information about intergrity and ethics.

Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, morals, and honesty. In workplace, integrity comes in many forms, but honesty and dependability are two traits that are expected in most workplace situations. Without responsible behavior, distrust can make a work environment tense and uncomfortable. A strong work ethic shows co-workers and clients that we are reliable and take our responsibilities seriously. Polite communication, respectable behavior and fiscal responsibility also help our stand out as a trustworthy employee. For example, if managing a team of employees, be honest and direct with each individual about our expectations and employee performance. Avoid backbiting or gossiping.

 There are some examples of intergrity :

  • Work When we are on the Clock
  • Follow Company Policies
  • Respect Co-workers and Build Trust
  • Exhibit Responsible Behavior
In my opinion, when we act with intergrity, we do what we have determined is right, even if the choices we make may cause complications for our or for others.

Ethics, sometimes known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct, often addressing disputes of moral diversity.

There are five branches of ethics:

Normative Ethics - The largest branch, it deals with how individuals can figure out the correct moral action that they should take. Philosophers such as Socrates and John Stuart Mill are included in this branch of ethics.
Meta-Ethics - This branch seeks to understand the nature of ethical properties and judgments such as if truth values can be found and the theory behind moral principals.
Applied Ethics - This is the study of applying theories from philosophers regarding ethics in everyday life. For example, this area of ethics asks questions such as "Is it right to have an abortion?" and "Should you turn in your friend at your workplace for taking home office supplies?"
Moral Ethics - This branch questions how individuals develop their morality, why certain aspects of morality differ between cultures and why certain aspects of morality are generally universal.
Descriptive Ethics - This branch is more scientific in its approach and focuses on how human beings actually operate in the real world, rather than attempt to theorize about how they should operate.

   Knowing how to best resolve difficult moral and ethical dilemmas is never easy especially when any choice violates the societal and ethical standards by which we have been taught to gern our lives.

In my opinion, ethics is whether we make the right decision or wrong decision. we have been developing our own code of ethics since we are young child. This code will be affects our behavior in the workplace and at home. We can learn a lot about the ethics that we apply in our daily life by putting our values into words.

That all i can share for my lovely fellow.. :)


Thursday 9 October 2014

                            FAMILY AND I...
Hye assalamualaikum.. 
we meet again ! :)
              Today i want story about my           family and i...
I have family that may fairly large number of 8 people, including my parents. We live at Sik, Kedah. My parents are pure "KEDAHAN" because both sides are from Kedah. hihihi.... My father's name ROHANI BIN ISMAIL. His aged 57 years old and self-employef. My mother's name SITI ROHANI BT IBRAHIM. Her aged 52 years old and only full-time housewife. (Sweet couple right ?
Because they has same name. Hihihi) 
The first child is my sister. Her name is SITI FATIMAH and aged 29 years. Working as a nurse. My second sister named SITI MARIAM and was 27 years old. She also just married. The third child is male and he is my brother. His named MOHD TARMIZI, 25 years old and self-employed. The fourth child is me ;). I have two younger brothers who are MOHD KHAIRULL, 16 years old and DANIAL IMAN, 8 years old. They were both still in school at the secondary school and primary school which are Sek. Men. Keb. Jeneri and Sek. Keb Kampung Betong. 
    Right now, I only have a grandmother who is the mother of my mother. My grandmother's named  SITI RAHMAH. Grandparents on my father's side had died. 
   My close family relatives are brother and sister of my father. I called them Pak Ngah and Mak Lang. My Pak Ngah's named AYOB BIN ISMAIL and her wife's named ASMA which is my Mak Ngah. My Mak Lang's named ZAITUN BT ISMAIL. Her husband already passed away 10 years ago. My Pak Ngah's family have 8 childrens and my Mak Lang's family have 4 childrens. The total of all my cousins are 12 people. They lived near the house where I live now. They are always there when our family needed. That's where there is good when we lived in the village and is surrounded by a closed relative. It facilitates us in our dealings anything.
They not only help but also has become part of my extended family. They can be a playmate, friend chatting and joking.
The result will be a more harmonious life and help each other survive. Which can be applied when living near relatives who are very close relationship with us. I love my family so much. MUCH LOVE ! 💖💖
                                        True love

Thursday 2 October 2014

hye..i'm back...hehehe..
 I wonder what are malaysian often do during their free time? Or in the manners way hobby. Some people like shopping, kareoke, blogging. Some also like extreme hobby like rock climbing, diving or motocross. but for me, i choose the fishing as one of the way to fill my free time. it sounds like traditional hobby but it still the popular hobby among malaysian. Why i choose fishing? It is because i like something that can make me feel relax and calm.
     I also like to read. As you know we cannot make noise while fishing so i choose to read when i was fishing. It fun right went you can make two of your favourite hobby at one time.
    Sometimes when i had not enough time to go fishing i just when jogging. it takes only 1 hour to jogs. it not only healthy but it still the wisely way to fulfill my free time.
 ..... thats all i can share when i was free... :)

How about myself after 5 year's ???

    5 years ago, someone had asked me..what u want to be at 5 years coming..i said i want to futher my study in bnking or marketing. Now, i'm a student of banking. It seems that i had reached my dream. Today, i've ask myself what i'm gonna be in 5 years coming. I hope that time i already work as a bnkers. Almost all people want a great life with own happy family, great jobs and etc... same like me. I hope thats time i already have my own family with a child.. (hihihi) have my own career as a banker or any accupation thats time. In Sha Allah. I will be a person that can make everyone smile and proud when look at me and they will said "that's aisya, alhamdulillah ! You already success in your life "... In Sha Allah... ameen.. ameen.. ! MUCH LOVE ALL PEOPLE AROUND ME !
                                        From my heart,