Thursday 2 October 2014

hye..i'm back...hehehe..
 I wonder what are malaysian often do during their free time? Or in the manners way hobby. Some people like shopping, kareoke, blogging. Some also like extreme hobby like rock climbing, diving or motocross. but for me, i choose the fishing as one of the way to fill my free time. it sounds like traditional hobby but it still the popular hobby among malaysian. Why i choose fishing? It is because i like something that can make me feel relax and calm.
     I also like to read. As you know we cannot make noise while fishing so i choose to read when i was fishing. It fun right went you can make two of your favourite hobby at one time.
    Sometimes when i had not enough time to go fishing i just when jogging. it takes only 1 hour to jogs. it not only healthy but it still the wisely way to fulfill my free time.
 ..... thats all i can share when i was free... :)

How about myself after 5 year's ???

    5 years ago, someone had asked me..what u want to be at 5 years coming..i said i want to futher my study in bnking or marketing. Now, i'm a student of banking. It seems that i had reached my dream. Today, i've ask myself what i'm gonna be in 5 years coming. I hope that time i already work as a bnkers. Almost all people want a great life with own happy family, great jobs and etc... same like me. I hope thats time i already have my own family with a child.. (hihihi) have my own career as a banker or any accupation thats time. In Sha Allah. I will be a person that can make everyone smile and proud when look at me and they will said "that's aisya, alhamdulillah ! You already success in your life "... In Sha Allah... ameen.. ameen.. ! MUCH LOVE ALL PEOPLE AROUND ME !
                                        From my heart,

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